"1.700 of young
people? I do not think that I will
be able to enjoy it like I did last year! There will be too many people. I'd
rather go to smaller conferences! They are more powerful!" This is what
went through my head just before Youth in Mission started. As you can imagine,
I was a little skeptical even though I prayed and fasted for this youth
conference. But God was ready to show me one more time that He can work in a
powerful way with many people as well as with small groups of people!
A few
months prior to the conference, I thought that it might be good to offer the
possibility to those who want to be able to lead out united prayer in the
prayer room. So I asked the organizing team to include united prayer
facilitator on the list of volunteers positions. 16 people registered. When we
met to talk, pray and make plans on Friday morning, instead of 16, there were
20 people. Some of them decided to come and help even though they did not sign
up to help in the prayer room. So, needless to say, this year I did not have to
spend time in prayer room since there were so many young people eager to help
out! And I could not be happier because more prayer leaders are formed in
Let me remind you that
we are talking about Germany, the most difficult country I have worked in so
far! I am talking about a country where most people are not used to pray out
loud. Thank God that He has His people here, as well.
I am still marveling
at what He did and how far He has taken united prayer in a little over one
year. It was such a joy to have people come to me and tell me that they took
united prayer back to their churches from Germany, Austria, Holland,
Switzerland, Czech Republic and that it has been such a great blessing for them.
It was at
Youth in Mission that I could see one more time how real the Great Controversy
is. I was peacefully listening to the evening presentation Sabbath evening,
when Wendy came and asked me to come out. She proceeded to tell me why she
called me and another few people outside. A little bit earlier that evening,
Edy, one of the attendees got a text message from a friend. It was a desperate text
message about Clara*, this girl's sister, who was on a bridge trying to commit
suicide. She asked Edy to try and do something. So he talked to Clara for more
than 15 minutes, but could not change her mind. When he went back inside, the
person sitting next to him saw that something was wrong. He asked Edy who told
him the story. So, to make a long story short, he went to Wendy, Wendy got me
and my sister and we went out on a hallway and started praying. I have to admit
that I do not think that I have prayed with such intensity before. Knowing that
the girl was on the bridge at that very moment and that our prayers can save
her life, that she needs someone to stand in the gap for her made us pray like
we have never done it before. At the end of the prayer session, when Edy
checked his phone, he found a message telling him that Clara's sister was
finally able to take her from the bridge. But you know what is the most amazing
thing for me? Clara's sister was supposed to be at YiM, but she decided not to
come the day before the congress. I know now that God stopped her because He
needed her to be there so she can save her sister's life. Neither Clara nor her
sister are Adventists, but praise God that He is no respecter of persons and He
leads even those who do not know Him.
One could
feel the presence of the Holy Spirit during the Conference! Oh, how I loved
seeing Him at work! God showed me that He can also work powerfully during a big
conference of 1.700 attendees.
It was at
Youth in Mission that I got the idea of starting a European Network of Prayer
Warriors. Since I am traveling so much and meeting so many people who love to
work for God, who are involved in His work and who love to pray, why not
connect them so we can intercede for one another and for the work in Europe? We
have 34 people from 15 countries in the group so far! And the number is growing
as more and more people are requesting to join the group! So, if you are passionate
about prayer and are interested in joining us, leave me a comment and your
email address or contact me through the Contact form.
I am
eagerly waiting for next year's Youth in Mission Congress. And I am also looking forward to ARME Germany. So many young people told me that they are looking forward to it, too. God has started a
work in Germany and I simply cannot imagine how much more He is going to do in
the future. Little did I realize when I prayed last year: "Give me Germany
or I die!" how far He will take this prayer and how much He will do. He
has exceeded every expectation... And I know that He is going to do much
greater things than what I have seen so far!
*Clara's name has been change in order to protect the identity of the individual.
*Clara's name has been change in order to protect the identity of the individual.