Monday, December 19, 2011

Disturb Us, Oh, Lord!

I have just translated a program with Dr. Berry Black, chaplain of the US Senate. He wrote this prayer and I thought it is really appropriate for the end of the year.

Disturb us, oh, Lord, 
when we are too well pleased with ourselves;
when our dreams come true 
because we have dreamed too little;
when we arrived safely simply
because we have sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb us when with the abundance of the things we posses,
we lose our thirst for the waters of life
and having fallen in love with life,
we cease to dream of eternity
and in our effort to build a new earth,
we permit our vision of a New Heaven to dim.
Disturb us, today, more boldly,
to venture on wider seas 
where storms will show Your mastery;
when losing sight of land, 
we will find Your stars.

Friday, November 18, 2011

GreaThings: Answered Prayers

If I should start and talk about answered prayers, than I will have to write tens and hundreds of pages. In fact, you can just go back and read my blog to be able to read some of God's answers to my prayers.

For now, I will just share something that He has done for me this week. Last week I decided that I need to put aside some special time for God and fast and pray for 21 days (even though the fast might not mean to go completely without food). The Lord kept showing me, among many other things, how important fasting is. So, I decided to start on Monday. There are many things I was praying for, but one of them that needed immediate answer was about going to Pine Springs Ranch ARME Bible Camp in January. I did not dare to put my hopes up, but I was somehow excited about seeing my ARME family and also meeting Melody, one of my best friends and prayer partners.

First day of fasting. No answer. I could not say that I was troubled, but I also was not totally at peace about going.

Second day of fasting. I did what I usually do. Spend time in prayer. Though I did not have any answer, I was at peace. Than spend time in His Word and praying again. Go confirmed me though His Word that I needed to fast and pray when I read Matthew 17:14-21. Right as I was ending my time with God, I told Him: "Lord, from what I understand, the only reason why You would not have me go to the US is that You want me somewhere else. So, please, send me an invitation today to go somewhere else when I am supposed to go to the ARME Bible Camp." 

I should tell you that after I prayed, before I opened the Word and prayed again, I checked my email. 0 new messages. After I prayed the above prayer, I went to my email again. 1 new messages. The subject of the email: Invitation! 

Need I say more? I won't. I will tell you later on where I am going after God arranges all the details. I just want you to know that, when you surrender a dream to God, He gives you something much better. I am really excited!!! And if you knew the doors that God is opening for me, you will be, too. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

GreaThings 2011: R is for the Capacity to Reflect and to Remember

Today, I am thankful in a special way that God gave us the capacity to reflect and remember. Life is not always a bed of roses and it does not seem to give us the best. But, as we go also through the valley of shadows, reflecting on what He did for us and remembering how He led us in the past gives us the power to hang in there and wait on Him. And it also give us the assurance that He will come through for us.

Someone once said: "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history."

So I praise the Lord that I can reflect on His mercy and goodness and love toward me, and this gives me great joy and hope for the future. And I also thank Him that I can remember the countless times He parted the Red Sea for me. I know that He will do it again in His own time!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

EUD Annual Council

Euro-Africa Division Annual Council is over and all I can say is: Praise God for our leaders who understand the need of prayer and united prayer. We were able to lead the EUD council in united prayer all the mornings except for one.

I know that those of you who read my blog are wondering why I am talking about EUD Annual Council? I should be talking about GYC Indonesia. Yes, it is true that I was supposed to go there, it is true that I have bought my ticket. But a few weeks after I bought my ticket I have received an invitation to go to EUD Annual Council and lead united prayer there. I have prayed about it and after wrestling with the Lord for a day and a half, I finally gave in and accepted to cancel my ticket. It was not easy to give up to my dream to go back to SE Asia, to the jungle, to the tropics, but I know that God knows very well why He asked me to give up on my dream. And I gladly accepted His plan knowing that He knows the end from the beginning and that He wants what is best for me. 

I found it very interesing that EUD talked at this annual council about Adventist Mission. Elder Maurer, the Executive Secretary of the EUD, told us that it is for the first time in 17 years since he started to take part in these annual councils when they talk extensively about mission work. Elder Gary Krause was one of the three invitees from GC and he talked about the Global Mission. In fact, they dedicated 2 days to the Global Mission.

On Sabbath, the delegations from two unions came to the prayer room. The first one was the Romanian Union (yes, I am proud of them!!!) and the second was the Bulgarian Union. Though there were no more organized groups, we had many other individuals who came to pray with us. Most of the leader from EUD came and spent time in the prayer room. EUD President and Treasurer came and pray once or twice. Elder Maurer came almost every day and spent some time in the prayer room. Another leader who came a few times to pray with us is Paolo Benini, the Sabbath School and Ministerial Association Director from EUD. He even asked if we would be available to go to Italy for a Women Ministry retreat and to another Italian SDA church from Switzerland.

The EUD Annual Council also opened doors here in Romania. The President of the Adventist Theological Institute asked me if we can meet to talk about united prayer and see what can they do in their university. Another Conference President asked me if I can train young people to lead united prayer in the churches from his conference. 

We were able to give away a lot of United Prayer Handbooks. Elder Barna Magyarosi, EUD Education Director, told me that many union presidents told him that they are determined to take united prayer back to their countries.

As we were there, we managed to meet some people we had previously met at GYC France. It was a blessing to be able to reconnect and pray with them. I had especially prayed that I would meet a girl I met a certain girl. She gave me her email address and phone no, but I somehow lost them. She was living in Collognes, but she never stopped by to say hi. I prayed that God will bring her again my way so we could pray more together, but it seemed that the days were passing by and I still did not meet her. On Friday night I saw her in the back of the meeting hall, but she left before I could tell her hi. Sunday morning, as I was going to eat with a girl who is a missionary in Congo (we had also met at GYC France), I finally met her. She was going home from a Bible study. So, I praise God for being able to reconnect with her. It was a miracle that we met. 

I was so happy when I found out that two of the translator we had at ASI Spain and another girl who had been in the prayer room hosted at AMiCUS Congress in Paris hosted a prayer room at a Youth Meeting in a Spanish church from Madrid. It is so interesting that, one of our translators from ASI Spain told my friend who organized the schedule of the translators that she does not want to spend too much time in the prayer room because she paid and she wants to be able to listen to the workshops and sermons. But she ended up loving the prayer room and spending more time than she said she would. Now, she was one of the united prayer facilitators. Another girl who facilitated united prayer has been in the prayer room but did not pray. She only listened. Now, she was a prayer facilitator, as well.

So, praise God for all the divine appointments! It is no greater joy than to see Him at work and to see Him changing lives!

GreaThings 2011: Gratitude is...

I have accepted the challenge to write for a few days about things I am grateful for. (For more information click on the picture above)

Gratitude is a heavenly attitude. It is the music of the soul that sings when the sun shines and also in the darkness.

It is the ingredient that makes life so much sweeter.

Gratitude means to be to be humble and to give some one else the credit for your happiness and welfare.

Gratitude is a heavenly language that we need to learn here on earth in order to be able to sing it up there.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

GYC France, a Spirit Filled Conference

GYC France is over. Though it was a small conference (around 160-180 people) God has really blessed again. We were so blessed to meet young people from all over Europe who seek God with all their hearts. We could see God's Spirit poured out in a great measure and this is enough to makes us more than happy.  GJC leadership was also really supportive and we were happy to see many of them come to the prayer room even though they were just a handful of people and had so many responsabilities on their shoulders.

We saw many lives changed, many people who were broken before the Lord and who found peace and happiness because of united prayer. There were people who came to the prayer room and who were looking for a purpose in life. Others came to pray because they wanted to understand how they can serve God at their best. Others came looking for peace. We even had somebody come and pray because he found it hard to believe that God exists. Many people came and cried before the Lord because they sensed their need for Him. We had many people come to us with tears in their eyes to thank us for bringing united prayer to GYC France.

An elderly lady from Clermont-Ferrand, the town where GYC took place, told us that she prayed for a long time for revival and when she received the letter that GYC is going to take place in her town, she praised God because she knew that this is the answer. She was also recently elected as the prayer leader and she is determined to take united prayer to her church which is quite small (20-30 members).

The more I travel, the more I realize that there are so many people who are searching for God with all their hearts and I feel so blessed to be able to meet such people.

God had also a wonderful surprize for us at the end of the convention, when we least expected it.

The last day the devotional was held by Jonathan Zita. He preached with so much power. Everyone could feel God's presence there. After his altar call and after the prayer, one of the GYC leaders suggested that those who want could fast for breakfast so that we could have a season of united prayer. We did not expect to have another season of united prayer, but God opened the door for us and this was the most wonderful moment from the entire convention. Though a lot of people left on Sunday evening and there were only around 70-80 people left, we were so surprised to see around 30 people who stayed behind to seal their decision with prayer. I really appreciate that Jonathan Zita, Jeffery Rosario, Daniel Pel and his wife (all GYC speakers) and some of the GYC leaders who joined us for this season of united prayer. There were not too many dry eyes in the room as we all poured out our hearts before God. I told the leaders of GYC France that if it was only for this devotional and season of united prayer and GYC was worth the effort and all their sleepless nights. It was simply beautiful to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.

I thought that most of the attendees will be from France, but it turned out that only 60-70 % were from France. The rest were from Switzerland, Holland, Norway, Germany, England, Portugal. Isn't that wonderful? And what is even more wonderful is that a lot of them are determined to take united prayer back to their countries. Some young people from Holland are going to have a youth conference this very next weekend and they want to have united prayer and a prayer room. A leader from GYC Portugal (that is going to take place in February) is also determined to talk to the rest of the team and have united prayer at GYC Portugal. Daniel Pel, a young evangelist and one of the speakers who is also teacher for Matteson Mission School and European Bible Institute was happy to discover the power of united prayer and wants to take it wherever he goes. Jonathan Zita said that he will take united prayer back to Canada to his canvassing program. We praise God for all this dedicated leaders who understand the need for united prayer.

So, what else can I say... I feel that words are not enough to describe how much God has blessed at GYC France. Every one agreed that this was a spirit filled youth conferece. And I guess this says it all.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Praising God for ASI Spain

I have just arrived home from ASI Spain where Melissa and I hosted a prayer room. God has been good to us! He blessed us tremendously!!! I have no words to describe how blessed I have been there!

Though I was supposed to team mates come and help me, a couple of weeks before ASI Spain I was told that Irene and Arlaine did not get their visa and Andrew could not come to ASI Spain and GYC France. When I got the news, I remember telling a friend that I will pray and ask God that He will not give peace to someone until they come and help me with the prayer room. And He did.

Wednesday morning, 24 hours before I was to leave for ASI Spain and 48 hours before ASI started, I got a phone call. When I heard: "This is Melissa Miranda" I was shocked! I have never ever talked to Melissa, and I was wondering why she was calling. To make a long story short I will tell you that God has not given her peace, and she felt impressed to call and offer to come and help with these three events (ASI Spain, GYC France and Euro-Africa Division Annual Council). So, 47 hours later Melissa landed in Madrid. It has been a dream of hers to come and help promote united prayer in Europe and God has fulfilled it. Praise God for how He knows to send the right people at the right place and also to fulfill our dreams.

ASI leadership was really supportive of the prayer room, and they did everything they could to help and support us. They have rented a beautiful room for the prayer room. It was the most beautiful room in the building and had clouds on the ceiling! Can you imagine a better place to pray…besides being out under the sky directly?

Also, God gave us many opportunities to share about united prayer. We were able to share about united prayer twice on Friday and three times on Sabbath!

ASI started with around 80 people on Friday morning. After our presentation of the prayer room, almost a third of the attendees came right away to the prayer room. When the afternoon program started there were more than 600 people in the audience and on Sabbath there were over 1000 people.

One of the greatest blessings we had was to be abel to lead the whole congregation in united prayer Sabbath morning, just before Elder Mark Finley preached! It was such an amazing experience to have more than 1000 people unite together in prayer!!! 

We were not supposed to have united prayer but, when I asked if they would be interested in having united prayer with eveybody, the ASI President told me to talk to a pastor who was in charge of the moments of prayer. Melissa and I talked to him and, though he had made plans, he sugested that we take the most important time from the whole convention, the prayer time just before the divine service on Sabbath morning! Praise God again!

On a side note, we were very surprised to hear that the united prayer is going strong with one church in Denmark. One young man from Denmark told us that a girl from Iceland, who is living in Denmark, was at GYC 2010 and came to our prayer room. She was so inspired that she took united prayer back to Denmark! Praise God for His unexpectated ways of working!

Sabbath morning, Melissa and I prayed that God will send us someone who will be willing to share their testimony. Hardly had we finished the prayer when 4 young people from Hungary, Denmark and Germany came in. They had been to the prayer room on Friday so we started asking them about their experience. One of the girls had a wonderful testimony and she agreed to go with us on the stage and share her testimony. And it all happened right before we were to go on the stage. So, praise God again!

Sabbath morning, I led a session of united prayer right before we were to go and lead the whole congregation in united prayer. There were only 5 of us in the prayer room (three girls, my translator and I), but it was a powerful session. We all could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, and I know that He was working in their hearts because all of them were crying. I had to hurry and go to the main meeting hall because we had to lead united prayer, so I asked them to come back in the afternoon because I want to talk to them. God brought them back to the prayer room right in time for us to ask them to share their testimony about united prayer for our final sharing time. They came during the session that was right before we went on the stage for the last time. We asked them what was their experience in the prayer room and, as tears were streamming down their cheeks, they confessed that they have never experienced something like this. One of the girls has prayed for a long time to be able to feel God's presence and to feel that He was near. And she was finally able to experience His presence in the prayer room. She also said that she has never had such a peace in her heart. Another girl said that she has never had such a joy in her life. I have chatted with her just a few minutes ago and she told me that her day is great, and she is so happy because she finally has God in her heart. We just praise the Lord!

I was also impressed by a lady. Sabbath afternoon Melissa was leading a session of united prayer while I was at the door trying to see if there are more people who want to come in. While I was there, a lady asked me if there is any water in the prayer room. Apparently someone has told her that there are bottles with water in the prayer room. I told her I did not know if there was any water left, and she asked me if I can go and check for her. I told her, "Why don't you look and see!"  Five minutes later, when I entered the prayer room, the same lady was praying and crying before the Lord!

Another Romanian lady in her 50s was really moved and she told Melissa that she has never prayed for 45 minutes in her entire life!

We have seen many people in tears. Many took the decision to recommit their lives to God. Many were determined to take united prayer back to their homes. The Youth Director from the Union came three times to the prayer room, and he is determined to take this to the young people for all of Spain. The Pathfinder director from the Union and his wife joined us too, and he is determined to promote united prayer amoung the pathfinders. We had a girl from Hungary who said that they are going to have a Youth Convention in Hungary next weekend, and she wants to take united prayer there. The wife of the Pathfinder Director offered to translate the united prayer handbook into Spanish. I believe that we need to have it translated into many languages, and I praise God for those that are inspired to do the translation.

So, what else can I say except, praise God!!! He has been more than faithful! It is an honor to be able to see Him changing lives through united prayer.

Let's keep moving forward on our knees!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

True Greatness

There has been one name that everybody has been talking about for the past days. One name mentioned in a lot of newspapers, webpages, blogs, tweets and facebook posts: Steve Jobs. A lot of my friends from facebook have been quoting his words, posting articles about him and also the inspirational speech he had at Standford University. People are talking about him as someone who had a great impact upon the world and has changed it, a visionary and genious, a great man. And though I have many things I could object about related to his vision, lifestyle, values, etc. this is not what I want to talk about. His death and people's comments made me think about greatness.

A great man... What makes someone a great person? How do I define greatness?

I remember sitting in my office and translating a program in which C.D. Brooks was interviewed. And as I was listening to him speaking, my eyes got moist. He talked with so much power!!! Every morning, as I am going to work with the earphones pluged in ears, I am listening to God's word preached by different people. And many times my eyes become moist because the Holy Spirit is at work. For me, they are great people.

I know a lot of people who have left the comfort of their houses, left their families behind and chose to go in the middle of the nowhere, in the jungle or desert, to far away lands, to live a life of self-denial and hardships in order to take the Gospel to people who have never heard about Jesus. People who have given their all to God, people who live by faith and depend on God alone. For me, they are great people.

I am more and more fascinated by biographies of people who lived a life of prayer, people like John Hyde, known as Praying Hyde, Rees Howels, Charles Finney, Geroge Muller, E.M. Bounds, Martin Luther, David Livingstone. People who learned what prevailing prayer means, who learned not to let go of God unless He blessed them, who felt a burden for souls and who interceeded for others. People who went forward in faith and stepped into the Jordan believeing that the waters will be parted. And I am also fascinante by people who are alive and do the same things. For me, they are great people.

I admire people who, even though they might not be called to the foreign mission fields, they do whatever they can to glorify God where they are. People who are humble and who do not depend on their own wisdom. They choose to do the work that lies nearest to them. They choose to be faithful in the little things and they are living testimonies wherever God placed them. For me, they are great people.

I also admire people who understand that, in order to serve God, you must first be willing to forsake your reputation and work for the glory of God and the betterment of others. People who are available to be broken, to die to self, and to be put back together by God. For me, they are great people.

So, for me, a great person is someone ...
... who is humble.
... who is meek.
... who seeking for God with all His heart.
... who depends on God and makes sure that he does not do what he wants, but what God wants him to do.
... who does not try to please people, but God. 
... who is willing to answer God's call.
... who does not make plans of His own and is
... who lives to bless others.
... who has a ferent prayer life.
... who is ready to give up his dreams to live God's dreams for his life.
... who lives a simple life.
... who glorifies God through His words and behaviour.
... who is not ashamed of Jesus.
... who is not afraid to admit his mistakes.
... who does not trust his own wisdom, but trust in God's wisdom.
... who inspire those around him to love God more.
... who is willing to be broken and to be put together back by God.
... who is in love with God.
... for whom God is everything and enough.

And the list can go on...

They might not be the brightest people. They might not have revolutionized the world with their inventions. They might not be known world-wide. They may not have been given awards. And they many not have the peope's recognition. But they have changed lives for eternity. They have drawn people closer to God. They have shown others God's love. And they surely have the heaven's recognition and a crown waiting for them. No, they are not perfect people. They have their own struggles but they have learned to depend on God, they have seen their need of Him, they have asked Him to take full control of them and this is what makes the difference.

If you think that such people do not exist anymore, let me tell you that they do. I praise God for surrounding me with such people lately. It is one of the greatest blessings He has ever given me. And it is one of the greatest honors I have received from Him.

So, I thank God for the great people that have lived in all the ages, for those who are living today and for the ones He brought in my life. Only eternity will fully reveal their greatness. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hitting the Road One More Time

Yes, it is time to hit the road one more time. No, that does not mean that I will not be working for Hope Channel. I am still a Hope Channel employee.

A month ago a friend suggested that I join them and go to the AMiCUS International Congress organized by the EUD to present there the prayer room. They are going to have some time dedicated to projects. How can I do that if we do not have a prayer room there? I asked myself. We simply can't. So, I decided to send a proposal to the organizers. And, praise God, they have accepted it. Two more days and I will be on my way to Paris, France to host an all day prayer room for the AMiCUS International Congress. God provided wonderfully the means and also someone to help me with that. It will be so exciting to meet Irene from Indonesia, whom I have never met.

And this is not all....

A couple of weeks ago Irene asked me if I know anything about the Congress that is going to be held in France at the end of October. I imediately realized that it should be GYC France. I checked it out on the internet and my suspicions were confirmed. Why not to send them a proposal for an all-day prayer room? I asked myself again. So I sent them the proposal. Not only were they happy to have us come there, but they also said that we are the answer to their prayers. They have been looking for someone to have a workshop on prayer and did not know anybody to do that. So, God sent my proposal at the right time.

Walking in His Steps

I remember telling my good friend Melody that I need help with the prayer room. I was afraid that nobody will be able to come because ARME has a Bible Camp in Hawaii the very next weekend. I knew that God will provide, but I wanted to know who will come so that I can tell the organizing team of GYC France. The very same morning (in fact, an hour later!) I sent Melody an email telling her that I really need to know who is coming, I received a text message from Irene who told me that she has exciting news for me. What could it be? I simply could not figure it out. Not long after that, she sent me an email and I understood her excitement. She told me that she could make it to GYC France and that the Lord impressed her to ask somebody else to come with her and the person said that he is willing to come. Wow.. I could not believe it that the Lord provided sooooo fast...

And still, this is not all...

A few days later, Irene told me something about GYC Indonesia that is going to take place the very next weekend after GYC France. I remember thinking: I wish I can go there! But than I thought: I cannot go. Why? First of all, God has not called me there; I have nothing to do there and I don't want to go just to attend. It will be a waste of money. Secondly, I have no money. And thirdly, I cannot dare to ask my boss for a 2 week leave. I was not sure he will allow me to go for one week since he already agreed to allow me to go to Paris for a week in September.

To make a long story short, Irene told me that she needs help with the prayer room. Hmmm... one obstacle down. Than, I went to talk to my boss and he was happy to let me go. When I told him that I can take an unpaid leave he said: "No, you do not need to do that. We are working for the same cause." Second obstacle down. Not long after that, the money issue was solved and I had no more obstacles in my way... So, in five and a half weeks I will be on my way to GYC France and from there to GYC Indonesia. I am more than excited!!!

I cannot expressed how blessed I am to be able to work with ARME Ministries. It is by far the greatest blessing I have ever received. I have seen God working in and through my life before, but it seems to me that I have never seen it clearer than now. I know that this is the result of getting closer and closer to Him. And I know that I have said this before and that I will also say it in the future because, the deeper He takes me in my relationship with Him, the more I can see Him at work!

What is next after Indonesia? Only He knows. But I am sure that it will be even more exciting! I am still looking forward to going back to the mission field, but I believe that the Lord wants to keep me here for a little longer. So, stay tuned for more exciting news!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Every Breath a Prayer

I have always been a daydreamer. Dreams were my fortress every time my family moved to a new place. Every time I had nobody to understand me, I would go to the daydream land. Most of the times I would dream about Prince Charming, sweeping me off my feet, understanding all my challenges and being there for me. I went to bed creating a whole new world and new friendly reality in my mind. And when I woke up, I wanted to stay in my bed and go on dreaming... I walked to school and dreamed. I rode the car and dreamed. I loved being all by myself and dreaming. I remember feeling so empty when I had to face the reality... I realized that the daydreaming is making me incapable of enjoying life... the real life... the life that I was living.

I have tried so many times to break this habbit. But I only found myself going back to my wonderland whenever the reality was hostile. I failed every time no matter how hard I tried. This went on until I found out and experienced the blessings of unceasing prayer. I am still a dreamer, but now I dream about Him. And at the end of the day, instead of dreaming myself to sleep, I am praying myself to sleep. When I wake up, I do not feel empty, I do not feel like I do not want to wake up! Instead, I am ready to face another day... with Him in my thoughts.

I like so much the following quotation. It reflects so well the challenge we are all facing and it gives us the solution:

"The reason why so many are left to themselves in places of temptation is that they do not set the Lord always before them. When we permit our communion with God to be broken, our defense is departed from us. Not all your good purposes and good intentions will enable you to withstand evil. You must be men and women of prayer. Your petitions must not be faint, occasional, and fitful, but earnest, persevering, and constant. It is not always necessary to bow upon your knees in order to pray. Cultivate the habit of talking with the Saviour when you are alone, when you are walking, and when you are busy with your daily labor. Let the heart be continually uplifted in silent petition for help, for light, for strength, for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer."—(E. G. White, The Ministry of Healing, 510, 511.)

How can you do this? How can you make your every breath a prayer?

1. Some of you might not even want to spend time in prayer. I know it! I have been there! First of all, you need to ask Him to make you willing to spend time with Him in prayer. Make a habit of surrending, asking God to take full control of you and make you willing to pray first thing in the morning, before you get out of bed. You might not feel like you want to pray, you might not have the power to say no to the temptations, but God has promised in Philippians 2,13: for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. He promised to make us willing if we are willing to be made willing.

He promised to make us willing... this is so freeing... Here is what Ellen White says about surrender:

Many are inquiring, “How am I to make the surrender of myself to God?” You desire to give yourself to Him, but you are weak in moral power, in slavery to doubt, and controlled by the habits of your life of sin. Your promises and resolutions are like ropes of sand. You cannot control your thoughts, your impulses, your affections. The knowledge of your broken promises and forfeited pledges weakens your confidence in your own sincerity, and causes you to feel that God cannot accept you; but you need not despair. What you need to understand is the true force of the will. This is the governing power in the nature of man, the power of decision, or of choice. Everything depends on the right action of the will. The power of choice God has given to men; it is theirs to exercise. You cannot change your heart, you cannot of yourself give to God its affections; but you can choose to serve Him. You can give Him your will;He will then work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure. Thus your whole nature will be brought under the control of the Spirit of Christ; your affections will be centered upon Him, your thoughts will be in harmony with Him. (E. G. White, Steps to Christ, 47)

2. Than, I recommend that we ask the Lord to send you someone to pray with. Someone who seeks Him with all his heart and who wants to spend time praying with you. It helps so much to know that there is someone you can pray with. Ecclesiastis 4:9 says that Two are better than one...  And the Lord also promised that where there are two or three gathered in His name, He will be there.

3. Every time the temptation comes, pray to Him for delieverance! Every time you are tempted to daydream, or think negative thougts or... you know better what, ask Him to help you do what's right. Instead of listening to the radio or to music, listen to the Bible in audio format or to sermons. It will help you cultivate the habit of thinking about Him and talking to Him.

What a blessing it is to be able to go to sleep with Him in my mind and to wake up with Him in my thoughts. What a blessing it is to be able to talk to Him and surrender everything to Him and do this first thing in the morning, before doing anything else. Here is one of my favourite quotes from Ellen White:

"When you rise in the morning, kneel at your bedside, and ask God to give you strength to fulfil the duties of the day, and to meet its temptations. Ask Him to help you to bring into your work Christ’s sweetness of character. Ask Him to help you to speak words that will inspire those around you with hope and courage, and draw you nearer to the Saviour."—(E. G. White, Sons and Daughters of God, 199.)

My dreams have never been sweeter... and they are getting sweeter every day as I make my every breath a prayer!