Life has been full of unexpected things lately... Things have not been as I have planned them. As I have told you, I was not planning on going to Vanuatu. But when the Lord said something, I had to obey. Then I was planning to come back home in December but the Lord changed again my plans. So, here I am, back in Romania for a couple of months. I am so thankful for the blessed time I had in Vanuatu. The Lord taught me many things there. I have also seen some other sides of life... and experienced things I have never experienced before. God knew I really needed this experience. It was a wonderful gift and I thank the Lord so much for it.
Now, new chapters of my life are waiting to be written... The Lord had so many surprises for me so far and I am sure He will continue to surprise me and continue to give me more wonderful gifts. So far it seems that the new destination will be Africa but only the Lord knows what is next... I'm looking forward to seeing God's leading. I know I am in His hands and I am sure He has wonderful things in store for me. Didn't he promise that "eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor. 2:9)? I've seen this promised fulfilled in my life so many times and I know this is just the beginning. So, here I am, trusting and waiting for the Lord to fulfill what He has promised in Jeremiah 33:3: ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’