Saturday, July 28, 2012

GYC Europe (as seen from my knees)

I have been trying to sum up my GYC Europe experience and it is not so easy. But I can say that I have seen God working and that should be enough to say everything.

God provided a wonderful team for the united prayer meeting room and I am thankful for each one of them. Not only did we work together as a team, but we enjoyed a sweet fellowship. It is amazing to look back and see God God caused us to meet at different events in Europe and how God used each one of us. Eight people from three different countries, each one with a passion for prayer and a burden for souls.

I will never forget when, on Monday, we decided to fast. We had all seen God blessing and moving upon hearts, but we wanted to see more of Him. And we all agreed that we should not only pray, but fast as well. We got together that morning, sat in a circle, searched our hearts and confessed our sins, than open the GYC booklet and started praying for all the speakers and E-COM members by name. What a blessed and unique experience that was! We prayed for leaders and for speakers in general before (and for those we knew by name), but this was actually the first time we prayed for each one of them by name, whether we knew them or not. No one was missed. I realize we need more of this and I hope that this is only the beginning of a habit that we will develop for these events.

We were so blessed to have Elder Maurer with us for the entire period of time and to have him join us in the prayer meeting for a whole hour during outreach. He even took some time to talk to us and give us advice about how to promote the prayer meeting. I praise God for him and his leadership.

I also praise God that the United Prayer Mini-Handbook is being translated in more and more languages. One evening, as I was talking to people at the booth, a young man from Sweden told me that they have already translated it in Swedish. Later on, a missionary in the Czech Republic ask me if they can translate it into Czech language and if I can help them print it out. What a joy it was to see that the Lord is opening doors for this booklet to be translated into many languages.

We had a few session of united prayer that none of us will forget. In one of these, a young lady prayed that God will teach her to trust Him. As she was praying, tears were streaming down her face. The following day she told that the Lord answered her prayer. The place were she was staying was a few kilometers away and in the evening two busses were going there. The first one took her to the very same place where she was staying, but the second one went only half way and she had to walk another 4 km. She missed the first buss that evening and had to take the second one. She got off the bus and started walking, but her heart was fearful. It was dark, she was in the middle of nowhere and she was really afraid. But as she was walking, the Lord told her: "Haven't you asked me to teach you to trust Me? Look up to the sky." She was hesitant so the voice repeated the request: "Look up to the sky." As she looked up, peace flooded her soul and she realized a few things. First of all, that the God who put all the starts in their place and holds them there can take care of her. Secondly, she got a glimpse of God's glory, of his majesty. All the fear was gone. She was beaming as she was sharing with me her testimony.

We also had a gentleman who joined us for a prayer session. After we were done with praying, he asked us to have a special prayer for him and told us while tears were flooding his eyes that he is dealing with a lot of guilt. We prayed for him and after we were done he told me that the prayer meeting was the most wonderful experience from GYC Europe. He is not the only one who have told us this. Another girl told me that at the last meeting of the small groups they were asked to share what they liked the most at GYC Europe. Two of her small group team members said that the prayer room was the best experience they had there. There were also a few young man who attended ARME UK and who kept coming to the prayer meetings. I asked them why do they keep coming and they told me that there is no better place to be than in God's presence. So, praise God for young people who understand that "for a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness." Ps. 84:11

Another prayer session that will never be forgotten is the one with the Czech group. Lukas and Sophie led the Czech group while Arlaine was praying with an English group in another corner of the room. Here are Lukas' thoughts on the prayer session:

I honestly have to say that it was one the most amazing sessions of United Prayer I’ve ever witnessed. Immediately after we started they were just pouring out their hearts in thanksgivings. We barely found a moment to start the song for transition, but when they finally sung I was moved to tears. I very much believe that Arlaine’s English group who was praying in another corner of the room was stopping their prayers to listen the wonderful singing of the Czech people. The confession part had a big impact on them. Later on I heard that there was one family among the group whose son confessed his sins to his parents (he confessed them to God of course, but in the hearing of the parents). The supplication part was most powerful and most unstoppable. They just poured out their hearts for their country. One of them who actually didn’t want to come to the prayer room and thought of leaving for half an hour spoke most fervent prayers during the supplication part which amazed the whole group (as I was told later). We finished our prayer session 20 minutes later than we were planning on.

I talked to the young men who wanted to leave and he told me that for the first 30 minutes he did not wanted to be there. He wanted to go drink water, eat, go to the toilet, get some fresh air just not to be there. But while he was there something happened in his heart and the walls of his heart started to fall down. He started to want to pray more and more. In fact, he did not want to stop praying. Every time I hear stories likes this, I am amazed of how fast can God change someone's heart.

Some of you may remember that, while I was at Youth inMission, I was invited to go and lead united prayer at AYC, a GYC in the Northern Germany. It's been almost 4 months since we started praying that the Lord will provide a venue for them, but it seemed that He forgot to answer our prayers. The month of July was coming to an end and the team had a deadline: July 25. If they could not find a venue until July 25 they had to cancel the event. The AYC team prayed, we prayed... On July 23, while we were praying at GYC Europe, the Lord answered all our prayers. 

You might also remember my experience from Youth inMission, how I wrestled with God and how I echoed John Knox' prayer: "Give me Germany or I die." I have never thought at that point in time that there will come a time when I will have more speaking invitations from Germany than from any other European country. God is faithful in answering those prayers. Four months have passed since I have prayed that prayer and at this GYC I have received the fourth speaking invitation to one of the mission school from Germany. I still do not understand why He chose me. I think I never will. But I know that I promised Him to go wherever He calls and do whatever He asks me to. And a promise is a promise.

It seems that the Euro-Africa Division is also determined to spread united prayer in the whole Division because the Personal Ministries and Sabbath School Director asked me to come and lead united prayer in a meeting with all the Union and Conference presidents from the whole Euro-Africa Division. So, praise God for leaders who know that the secret of power in our church is united prayer.

I have no doubt that God is moving more and more in Europe. I know that He is preparing His people. And I also know that we do not have to much time left. The more I travel, the more convinced I am that God has His people everywhere, that more and more young people are seeking for His face, that more and more are willing to give their lives to Him and go wherever He sends them. 

If there is something else I learned at this GYC, something that I knew but that became more clear to me, it is that working with a prayer ministry is a very humbling experience. It is the perfect place to learn humility and dependence on God, to seek only God's approval. This is exactly what I need. Nobody knows the amount of hours spent on your knees, nobody actually sees your contribution to such an event, nobody claps for the amazing work you have done or for the amazing speech you rendered, nobody knows how much you wrestle with God in prayer, how heavy the burden for souls is. And yet, He knows. And He cheers for you. And this is all that matters. You see people coming to the prayer meeting with a heavy heart and leaving with a smile on their face, you see people revived, people who realize their need of Christ, people who find His peace and joy, people who finally find Him. This is what keeps you going. This is what brings tremendous joy that no human applause can bring.

GYC was an amazing experience, but I cannot help wondering: What would happen if we prayed more? What if we surrendered all? What would happen if the leaders would join more in prayer at such events? What if we really used the power that is available for us? What would happen if we felt more a burden for souls? If we wrestle more with God in prayer? What if we pleaded more for the Holy Spirit? Could it be that we would see 3 000 or 5 000 converted in the same day? Can He trust us that much? 

Friday, July 27, 2012

ARME PUC - Counting His Blessings

Where is the time flying? It seems like yesterday that I was working hard to finish the preparation for my departure for my first ARME Bible Camp. I have been on the road for the last month and a half, hence my silence on the blogging front. God really bless my trip to the US and even though I was too busy to enjoy the thought of leaving, as soon as I got there it finally dawned on me that God is finally fulfilling a dream that I gave up some time ago. And believe me, I have enjoyed every single minute of my trip.

Melody decided to drive to California and show me some sites and I am really thankful for it. So, not only I have finally met my ARME family and attended my first ARME Bible Camp, but I also got to visit a few beautiful national parks and amazing touristic sites like the Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, the Sequoia trees, Arches National Park, the Pacific Ocean, Rocky Mountain National Park.

Twelve years ago I was ready to go to university and I prayed about going to Weimar. But even though God seemed to make all the arrangements, when the time came for me to get my visa, I was denied the visa. Never I thought in my wildest dreams that I will ever see that place. But God did it again, as He did about New Zealand (you can read about this here). He took me to Weimar.  Mel decided that she wants us to attend a local GYC and I enjoyed to finally be able to see Weimar Institute. In case you do not believe me, here is the proof.

Another highlight of the trip was visiting Ellerslie. I have been really blessed by the ministry of  Eric and Leslie Ludy for many years. In fact, they helped me form the values that I have now regarding the relationship with the opposite sex. So, when Melody told me that we might go to meet them I was more than excited. It was such a blessing to meet and talk with them.

As Melody and I were leaving their place, we went to visit the chapel. The students had just finished their class. I was expecting that the chapel would be empty, or that the students would be talking to each other. So I was totally caught by surprise when I saw the students in the chapel and around the church praying and meditating upon what they have been told. So I could not help but wonder in how many of our schools we can find something like this.

ARME Bible Camp was amazing. Though the days were long and the nights really short, God gave us all power. Even though two week before the registration closed we had only around 400 registered when the time for the camp came, we had around 1200-1500 in attendance. God blessed! It was a blessing to see people come together every morning and noon time in prayer, plead for the Holy Spirit and intercede for others. It was also a blessing to see people eager to learn more about God's Word. It was exciting to see people revived and on fire for the Lord. We had a house full to the end.

One day I went to the prayer meeting room. After the session of united prayer, as I was leaving the room, I saw a girl in one corner of the room. I felt impressed to go and talk to her and I did. She was only 14 and she told me that she has been there since 9 AM (by the time she left the prayer meeting she had been in there for 7 hours). The previous night she answered the altar call made by one of the speakers and decided to get baptized. But as she woke up that morning, her mind was flooded with trash - worldly songs, movies etc. So she decided to stay on her knees until God will set her free. And He did after 7 hours of wrestling with God in prayer.

For me the highlight of the camp was the all night prayer meeting. Though I was very, very tired (got 4-5 hours of sleep the whole week), God gave me strength and power to stay awake. It was amazing to see how many people are in need of prayer. It was also amazing to see how many people are hurting and looking for healing. I will never forget a little boy (I think he was 10 or 12) praying for his mother and for his family. As he was praying, one of the mothers in the room was convinced that she has not been the mother that she was supposed to for her daughter. So, as the lady started to cry, the little boy went and prayed for her. His love of God and passion for people was a lesson for us all.

So, I could go on and on and tell you of all the blessings God poured upon us at ARME PUC, but I think it would be better if I leave you with some of the testimonies of the attendees.

"I was raised in the SDA church, but being here provided more clarity on our doctrines than my entire SDA education and my parents teaching - combined."

"I truly had the greatest experience of my life here at ARME!"

"I thought ARME would be just another Bible camp, but ARME was way more than I expected! I praise God for ARME."

"Through ARME God has revived my faith, and I have surrendered to Him my all!"

"ARME has rekindled my faith and trust in God and just blessed me and motivated me to give my life back to Him and finally to get baptized."

"Eye-opening, mind-blowing, and hopefully life-changing! Life-long Seventh-day Adventist who has learned so much while being here!"

"This was the best conference I've ever attended - amazingly inspiring, and organized. The enthusiasm and passion of the staff is contagious. The presentation content was refreshing, enlightening and powerful. And the courtroom scene encouraged me to realize that defending my faith doesn't have to be overwhelming."

"ARME has changed my life. Any doubt of Adventism is long gone. The sanctuary message has given me an understanding of the Bible that I never thought possible! Also learning the importance of prayer and how to pray…"

"I love that ARME is REAL….no fake stuff. The Lord provided for me to come…and it's perfect just the way it is!"

"The church is dying for want of the Word and this is one of the answers to this big problem. Thank you ARME!"

"No suggestions, just a huge THANK YOU to the ARME staff for their sacrifice, dedication, patience, and cheerfulness in all situations. You live what you are preaching. That is a powerful witness. This was the most amazing spiritual blessing. I needed this revival. I was raised SDA but never learned how to study my Bible. I am excited to apply the knowledge I have learned here in my personal devotions at home. I praise God for your ministry!"

"I have been an Adventist since I was 11 years old. I have never understood the Old Testament like I do now. I always read it because of it's history. I was dried bones when I got here, but I leave with "HeartBurn!" Praise the Lord for ARME Bible Camp. May the Lord keep blessing you with all you do!"

"God was obviously here! There are few places where so large a percent of the presenters, staff, and attendees are committed to Him. Keep this up."

"The Mock trial was sobering and I was convicted not only to study, but to share what I learn, to begin giving Bible studies. I was also convicted to improve my prayer life."

"I appreciated most about ARME the new tools, techniques, laws in studying the word. The prayer times, and also how the speakers and staff did not think they were extra special but how everyone ate and worked together was impacting. I've only been in the church for a year, and have learned a lot, but now I have more tools to take home. THANK YOU ARME!"

"I came looking for new methods and was renewed in my relationship with the Savior. The messages were spirit-filled, the prayer, and music so good. I have been revived in my soul!"

"The Blueprint has changed my life. I want everyone in my sphere of influence to know that God's way is in the sanctuary. ARME has confirmed my calling to ministry! All the speakers (listed them all by name) were amazing and had empowering messages."

"I'm a 3rd generation SDA, home-schooling mom, living in a small community. Never experienced anything like this before in my life. I feel revival. I made it through the all-night prayer - it was incredible. So much healing! I am convicted to take this home to my family, church, and dark community. I'm excited to be SDA again. My heart was so hard. I feel it softening. Heir Force program was excellent. Thanks to the leaders for all their hard work. I felt 100% safe leaving my children with the Heir Force staff. And my two children made decision to follow Jesus during this camp. Praise God!"

"I loved how caring the ARME staff is and how they truly build a family atmosphere at this camp. I've learned how to study my Bible deeply and how to see Jesus in everything. I prayed and asked God if he wanted me to come to ARME if he would provide the funds. He did. I've suffered from various medical conditions for over 4 years and the Lord has healed me physically, however I believe he brought me to ARME because He also wanted to heal my heart and mind.  I'm so blessed and I have heard his voice. Thank you!"

"The wonderful mix of in depth Bible study and inspirational sessions was amazing. What a privilege to receive so much blessing. The lady (Kim) who handled all the room housing assignments was an angel!"

"Never heard such power messages and such truth. Love you all so much!"

"Felt like I missed the "boat/ark" when I missed attending the two PSR ARME's, I am so relieved to have finally made it!"

"I saw Jesus shining through the lives of the staff and presenters. It has surpassed my expectations. I have been blessed and am overflowing. I pray this weekend will continue in my heart as I return home and share and inspire others. I will be encouraging everyone I know to attend."

"God worked miracles for us to be here and we were blessed and inspired to "agonize in prayer" for those on our prayer list because of Ratsara's powerful devotionals. We were also encouraged to study deeper by the powerful training sessions with Myers, and loved the enthusiastic participation of all in the singing. It's so wonderful to see the many that were converted and we as a PUC church will draw closer to God and prepare for His soon coming as a result from this camp."

"I came here confused, lost and lacking Jesus, but now I have him back and I am revived. Keep up the good work!"

"The united prayer and spiritual food was from the Lord. Pastor Ratsara was God sent, and I finally understand God's will for my life. Pastor Myers message "the Blueprint" has challenged me and I will strive to study and share it. I understand more clearly the plan of salvation. The choice of songs with the music, and the children's participation with Heir Force was commendable. Praise the Lord."

"Thank you so much for live-streaming. Because of live-streaming, friends and church members were able to attend."

"ARME was a wake-up call that I needed." 

"I've heard the Blueprint message before, but each time I hear it, I still gasp and sit there with the widest eyes ever. I want to thank you Pastor Myers for all that you've done for God and for the church."

"Eye-opening and life changing experience. Took for granted the mountains of gold I've been sitting on as an SDA."

"ARME has blessed me by giving me the tools as well as the messages to study, witness and pray. Wow! I am forever changed. Thank you ARME team! You have blessed many. Prayers are lifted up for the team as you continue to equip us to further the Kingdom of God and finish the work. He is coming soon!"

I have no doubt that ARME is the one of the greatest blessings I have ever received. 

If you want to learn more about ARME and see the upcoming camps, you can go here: ARME Bible Camp Ministries.