Saturday, June 8, 2013

Liberated Through Submission

I have had the book Liberated Through Submission by P.B.Wilson on my shelf for quite a long time. I have finally decided to take it and read it a couple of weeks ago. And since the book was a blessing to me and she shared some very deep and revolutionary things, I decided to share a few ideas and quotes. So I most likely share more of her words since I find them so powerful and inspiring. 

"Submission is for all" says Bunny Wilson. It is for men and women all together. "When we defy people in authority, we are really saying that the situation cannot be solved unless we take action. We are, in fact, playing God... It takes a child-like faith to believe that God can handle any person, debate or circumstances. When we choose to submit, we can easily see why God says that unless we become as little children we cannot enter the kingdom of God... We can believe that God can heal someone of cancer, free someone of a drug addiction, or place a child in a barren womb. But do we have faith to believe that God can speak to another person's heart and tell him what to do? Do we believe that God can make the best of a situation, even when an authority figure blindly opposes God's directions?"

"Submission without faith is slavery. Submission with faith is power. It takes faith to believe that God is correcting a relationship, situation or circumstance when all outward signs show the opposite. "For we walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:7)"

"Woman was created to be a man's helpmate. That means she should be an integral part of her husband's life, enabling him to fully develop into the kind of man God wants him to be. This automatically makes her the kind of woman God wants her to be. Even in our fallen state, that plan remains intact. However, without some specific guidelines - husbands lead, wives submit - our sinful nature will cause us to make adjustments to God's sovereign plan. The result is the same as from the beginning: self-destruction."'

"God has given men some very specific leadership assignments which, when accomplished, glorify His kingdom. But it takes a man surrendered to God's Word to carry out God's orders."

"Many men greatly oppose the statement that they don't want to lead. They immediately cite their roles of the leadership at work, in sports and in many other areas. There are a few men who will admit that they are under God's leadership and even fewer who act that leadership out in the home. Why? Based on Adam's decision in the garden, a man does not want to govern his wife or home. His rebellion in this area is often justified and overshadowed by his outstanding achievements in other areas."

"1 Peter 3:7... All that wives are called to do is to submit to their husbands. Meanwhile, their husbands are expected to yield to God's plan by being the head of the house, by loving their wives, by being the spiritual leader in the home and by living with a wife in an understanding way."

"Being the head of a woman can require bulldog tenacity, along with gentle love and understanding. A man has to be humble enough to listen to the opinions of his wife, yet strong enough to go in the direction he feels God is leading him."

"Christian marriages start off on the right foot when the wife comes into marriage with the understanding of God's pattern for marital submission and intends to operate according to His established order. However, if she doesn't, it is the husband's responsibility to exemplify submission to her....The husband must examine and accept submission to God's word, to his pastor, to his employer and to the authorities in the land."

"Husbands should ask themselves one very relevant question: "If your wife were a required subject at a local university, would you pass the course?" Many man refuse to submit to God's Word and invest time in getting to know their wives. Even fewer men know how to communicate with them."

"Why is submission so dangerous to Satan? Why is it so powerful? Because we exercise it in blind faith, and faith defeats him every time. When we go against our feelings, thoughts and opinions (i.e., our Lord, God's Word, our husband, pastor or employer), and when we turn the results over to God, we step out in faith. We are making a statement that we believe God knows every details of our circumstances and that He cares. We are avowing that He is a just God, and that by being obedient to His will, we enable Him to handle all obstacles. Now that is faith! Does biblical submission mean that we do not express how we feel? No, it means we do. It means when there is a difference of opinion with someone in authority, we share how we feel with due respect and love. Than, if the other person continues to disagree, we turn the whole issue over to God in faith. Submission gives God space to show us who is right."

"We may sometimes ask: "What if the people I submit to make mistakes? I am the one who is going to suffer the consequences of their actions." The answer to that is once again, faith."

"As a matter of fact, God's spiritual vision for us can be summed up in one word: faith. It takes faith to see our husbands as they can be and not as they are. It takes faith to submit when we think they are wrong. It takes faith to wait for God to show us which one of us is right while having no murmurings or grumblings between us. It takes faith to believe that God can give our husbands the wisdom they need to make decisions that affect us and our children."

Well, there are many more interesting and deep things in the book. I highly recommend it, not only for the married couples or for those considering marriage, but for the singles, as well. 


  1. Beautiful Raluca. Food for thought and wonderful. Thank you for writing this.

  2. Thank you so much, Raluca, for this post! Great ideas (and truth ones)!

    Yes, SUBMISSION is the key element to find a true liberation!

    I have particularly appreciated these statements:

    "God has given men some very specific leadership assignments which, when accomplished, glorify His kingdom. But it takes a man surrendered to God's Word to carry out God's orders."

    "Being the head of a woman can require bulldog tenacity, along with gentle love and understanding. A man has to be humble enough to listen to the opinions of his wife, yet strong enough to go in the direction he feels God is leading him."

    May God help me (and each man of His people) to be the man He wants me/us to be and you (and each woman of His people) to be the woman He wants you to be - for His own glory!

  3. Thank you for this post! Believing in God's perfection is the most important step of faith. Whoever thinks this universe is a mistake from their doorstep to the heavens are far from it. We must consider His love for us all, to be standing to this day and receiving all that He gives despite what we made of this world. There will begin our love for eachother.. and we must consider His will which was even before we realized the existance. It must be perfect and its good! This article was a blessing to me at this hour. I would also like to share a related quote.. "what we are is God's gift to us. what we become is our gift to God" there can be no unity without love.
