Tuesday, November 4, 2008

At the Crossroad

I've been at a crossroad for some time, more than I thought I would be. It seems that the Lord is still making me wait. I cannot fully understand why, but I know I have to trust Him. Sometimes the path is full of sunshine because I chose to trust, othertimes is dark and gloomy because I am tired of waiting. What helps tremendously in this night season is to know that this is His path. I've been learning patience a lot lately and I am happy to learn it.

I came home last June determined to make a change, to find a new place to serve the Lord. It took only two months to realise I want to go back to Guyana. Some people cannot understand my love for Guyana and this make things pretty difficult for me at times. How can they when they have't experienced what I had? For the past months I've been thinking a lot and praying a lot that I will be able to go back. Yesterday I went to see my dear friend, Ana, leaving for Guyana. I couldn't hold back the tears coming from my broken heart.

Though it is hard to wait on the Lord, this is the only way. I'm hoping to be able to go back to the mission field soon. Where will this be??? I really don't know. I hope the Lord will take me back to Guyana but if He won't, He knows why.

So, here I am, waiting, because I know that my Redeemer lives.

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